Is it paternalistic to assume that the distributed experience of stabilizing up is necessary to preserve the overall enjoying capability of an MMORPG for all its participants? If so, is it then a mistake to style MMORPGs around the idea of Runescape Gold stabilizing up?If not, what other style systems can be used to develop distributed experiences?
And finally, does any of this even "matter" provided that customers are given to be able to separate themselves into areas that respect a given set of community and financial rules?EQ2 Place Exchange: "legalized" RMTSpeaking of: Sony models lately launched a whitepaper (.doc link) revealing some exciting statistics from the Ever-quest 2 "Station Exchange" - the exclusive RMT industry run by Sony models itself, which is only accessible from two exclusive EQ2 activity web servers. (Thanks, once again, to Raph for featuring this.)
Some key information from the whitepaper:Net cash contains any cash that passes through the Place Exchange auction assistance. Total cash gathered between July 2005 and July 2006 was $1.87M. Recognized revenue for the first season was $274,083.(DJE: hypothetically it could have been more, since Place Exchange is restricted to just two EQ2 web servers. It depends on client need and the level to which some long-time customers may have knowledgeable based to their current, pre-Station web servers.)